LV DVG America

The only all-breed dog sport organization

Privacy Policy

The information we collect about you

Our privacy policy applies to the information we collect from you on and in other processes involving your membership, such as membership applications, renewals, applications for scorebooks, address changes, and any other way in which we get information about you. Other than in the ways described below, we do not collect any personally identifiable information from or about you.

Specifically, we get information from you when you ask to join or renew your membership in LV DVG America, when you order a scorebook or other products from us, when you report a change in address, phone, or other similar information, and when your register for a trial. We collect the following information from you so we can process your requests:

Preferred name (first and/or middle names or initials) and last name
Date of birth
Current mailing address
DVG membership number
Email address
Phone number

How we use your information

We use the information we collect about you to process your requests to us. We use the secure on-line database to transmit your membership information to our parent club, DVG Germany. We use your email address to notify you of important news about the organization or to respond to inquiries you may submit. The on-line database uses your email address as the index data to identify you.

Who we share information with

We do not share your information with any individual or organization beyond our parent club, DVG Germany. The company that hosts the secure membership database has access to the database for administrative purposes. We provide your name and mailing address to the company that prints and mails the magazine, DVG America.
We may disclose any of the information collected in response to a valid legal process, such as a lawfully issued subpoena, search warrant, regulatory investigation or inquiry, or court order.

How we safeguard your information

The on-line membership software we use to keep our membership records has security protocols and measures to protect your personally identifiable information from unauthorized access or alteration. These measures include internal and external firewalls, physical and technological security measures, and encryption of certain information.

Privacy policies of sites we link to

We cannot control the privacy practices or content of other sites we link to. The owners of these linked sites are responsible for them. We link to DVG Germany, AWDF, individual DVG club sites, and advertiser sites.

Using cookies technology

We use Google Analytics to collect information about how visitors use our website, such as how many visitors go to each page. Google Analytics uses cookies to track this information. However, Google Analytics does not store any personal information about our website users. The cookies on this site collect information only while you are on the site, not after you leave it.

Read the Google Analytics privacy document for more details.

Children’s privacy

We have a few members under 13. Before collecting or storing any information from minors, we obtain parental consent.